Another thing that’s caught my attention recently is the tattoo frenzy. Nowadays, it seems as though more people are taking the lead of their favorite performers and athletes by covering their bodies with tattoos. To me, this seems a little crazy. At the risk of sounding uncool, covering one’s body in tattoos just seems like a bad idea to me.
The good news is that we live in a free country, which means people can do whatever they choose with their bodies. Furthermore, there’s nothing wrong with having a few tattoos and, in truth, they do look good on some people. I’m not hating on anybody’s grind. However, although the concept of showering one’s body in tattoos may work out for the rich & famous celebrities and athletes of the world, it may not be the best way to go for Joe Shmoe.
Unfortunately, if you ever plan on holding down a 9-5 ever again, going with forearm, hand or neck tattoos just might not be such a great idea. It’s sad, but true. What’s more, many of the people who cover their bodies with impulse-driven ink have the attention span of a king sized Snicker’s bar. I wonder what they’re going to think about their tats when they’re 40…Yikes.
yeah... I'm def not a fan of tattoos... I think peeps jus wanna try and be different and unique